A busy saturday

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Feb 10
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Quick news update:

CORPS, a society/club on campus, released their spring semester calendar of events. I was quick off the mark replying to the trips I wanted to attend, as it’s a first come first served basis and frankly I really enjoy the trips. The events I signed up for included: 15 mile cycle in the everglades, snorkeling, deep sea fishing, night sailing, and as the kayaking was so fun last semester I signed up again. Then of course there is para-sailing left over from last semester which kept getting cancelled because of bad weather, anyone would have thought I’d have got the impression it was dangerous by now.


Today seemed to be a particularly busy day with this being sports fest weekend and also another UM men’s basketball game. So I headed out to the basketball early with a friend to grab good seats and wait for the game to start – expecting another win of course. The start of the game was amazing, I’m really annoyed that I didn’t get it on camera. There was literally 12 points scored by UM within the first 2 minutes, or so, of the game with each point scored increasing the atmosphere. One particularly memorable moment was a slip up in the North Carolina setup leading to Shane Larkin sprinting to the end of the court, on his own, and scoring. A similar scenario occurred later on the game with him sprinting but the ball bouncing off the net, luckily though Kenny Kadji (who’s 6ft 11) was right behind to push it into the net. SLAM DUNK!

Whilst on the topic of the game, at the start a sponsor revealed that if UM got 70 points we would get free frozen custard at Shake Shack – surely that’s an easy target for a team that’s on a 10 win streak.  Anyhow we won 87 – 61 so I went down to Shake Shack to get my first ever frozen custard, frankly it was just like ice cream. In other news there was also a number of famous people at the event, including Lebron James, Dwyane Wade and who we think was Micky Arison (owner of Miami Heat), exciting stuff ‘ey!?!

After the game finished I then had to come back to halls, to quickly eat, before heading out to sportsfest, where there are campus wide sports events ranging from flag football and badminton to video games. I was roped into doing doubles badminton for the Mahoney Badgers, sadly we lost 15 – 8 – must have been a bit rusty. I then went to watch the rest of the team and participate in flag football; even after watching for 20mins I still don’t quite understand how it works.  Anyhow I got another free t-shirt for participating that says Mahoney athletics, with a picture of a badger on the back and: “Mahoney badgers don’t care” underneath.

Over and out.

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